Advisory &
Compendium of Farm Livelihoods
The compendium covers the key advisories/guidelines issued by Ministry of Rural Development on implementing the Farm Livelihood interventions under DAY_NRLM
Agriculture Advisories
Key advisories released by the Ministries to support the field implementers i.e., the mission units to empower mahila kisan to enhance their livelihoods.
Livestock Advisories
Guidelines and advisories on Livestock management have been issued by the Ministry of Rural Development to support the field functionaries.
Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) Advisories
Advisory for for Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) for Women NTFP Collectors.
Resource Person ( NRP, SRP, CRP ) Advisories
A how-to Guide for Community Resource Persons (CRPs) to be adopted under NRLM for programme implementation and expansion strategies.
Namo Drone Didi
The major objectives of Drone scheme is to promote advance technology in agriculture for improved efficiency and provide business opportunities to Self Help group Members.
Compendium of Non-Farm Livelihoods
A compendium of Scheme guidelines, advisories and MoUs with TSAs and NROs under Non-Farm livelihoods of DAY-NRLM
Guidelines on Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY), a component of SVEP-umbrella project under DAY_NRLM
Key advisories released by the Ministry of Rural Development to support SHG members who are unable to manufacture on their own or are unable to run their own business are majorly involved in trading activities. -
A How-to guide for SHG members who are are involved in various manufacturing business.
Financial Inclusion Advisories
Guidelines on the key areas of interventions for – SHG Bank Linkage, Financial Literacy, Digital Finance and Community Fund Management, Insurance, Pension & Social Security and Finance for enterprises. -
Institution Building & Capacity Building Advisories
Key advisories on the Institution Building and Capacity Building (IBCB) activities, focused on expanding NRLM footprint and strengthening Self Help Groups (SHGs).