
It has tremendous potential to increase earnings source of the marginalized tribal community, especially during the lean months. Activities like tasar silkworm rearing, lac cultivation are traditional occupations though production of all these declined due to lack of scientific knowledge, lack of credit, and market imperfection. These bottlenecks have been addressed in targeted households with interventions on supply of good quality seed materials, trainings on scientific practices and establishing market linkages.

  • The emphasis has been laid on the following activities that aim at the promotion of bio-diversity and climate change resilience:
  • Ensure a better control of the institutions of the poor women NTFP collectors over the NTFP value chain in a sustainable manner.
  • Plantation work has been carried under NTFP component of MKSP (e.g. tasar host trees plantation etc.) as well as in convergence with MGNREGA.
  • Value chain activities on medicinal plants particularly in forest fringes areas.
  • Promoting regeneration of NTFP species to improve the bio diversity and enhanced productivity.
  • Use of locally adopted community centric technologies.
  • Build the capacity of the community in modern harvesting and post harvesting techniques to increase their income.
