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P.Seetha Mahalakshmi
State : Andhra Pradesh
District : NTR
Block : Ibrahimpatnam
Village : Mulapadu
Self Help Group : Dhana Lakshmi Self Help Group
Livelihood Activity : Poultry
P.Seetha Mahalakshmi is a native member of Mulapadu Village and was a house wife with minimum education. She joined as Self Help Group member. She came from a poor family and had an interest in poultry farming. She took a Vulnerable Reduction fund (VRF) loan of Rs.50,000/- and started poultry farming near her home. She gets a monthly income of Rs.12,000/- and pays her monthly loan on time. She takes care of her children and looks after her family and increases business income through the Poultry farming.

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