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State : West Bengal

District : Purulia

Block : Puncha

Village : Chandratiri

Self Help Group : Chandratiri M.T Mahila Sanirvar Dal 

Livelihood Activities : Agriculture, Fishery, Livestock

Lakhpati  Didi Journey

Panchami Mahato is associated with Chandratiri M.T Mahila Sanirvar Dal Group and her husband is a farmer. Initially, she faced challenges regarding crop failure, no proper knowledge regarding dry land farming techniques, crop calendar and winner crops. Some time later, she joined the Women led Producer Group (PG) with other Self Help Group members (Mahila Kisan). She and other members have been trained for better production and marketing. Now she is engaged in collective farming and marketing of winner crops and other livelihood initiatives like Fisheries and Livestock. She also received support from different Government Departments like Agriculture, Animal Resource Development. She is involved in scientific fish farming like production of fingerling and yearling and provides support to other members in the village. Now she is having good knowledge in agriculture and other livelihood aspects. She is helping her husband for have better viability. Her currently monthly income is Rs. 22,000/-

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