സംസ്ഥാനം: Ladakh
District : Kargil
Block : Kargil
Village : Churuli kambi, Chanigound
Self Help Group : Skarchan Self Help Group
Livelihood Activities : Agriculture & Horticulture Products ,Tailoring Shop, Beauty Parlor Shop
Lakhpati Didi Journey
Her Husband was a private Taxi Driver and that time her economically condition was very critica. With the support and guidance of Ladakh State Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) and Local Officers of Kargil, she made a new Self-help Group named Skarchan with ten members. However, She was very mature and intelligent lady.
After Joining Group, She played an important role in advancing not only her own family but also all the members who joined the Group. With the Support of SRLM programme, She has been going Delhi Haat Bazar for last two years, for promoting local products of Kargil, in which both products farm and Non Farm are included eg- Apricots, Handlooms Items.
She earns around 15-18 thousand per month and she had also financially helped her husband for purchasing their own Taxi to increase house hold monthly Income.