வால் ஆஃப் ஃபேமுக்குத் திரும்பு

மாநிலம்: மத்திய பிரதேசம்

District : Dewas

Block : Kannod

Village : Devsiraliya

Self-Help Group : Maa Sharda Aajeevika Self-Help Group

Livelihood Activity : Dairy farming, Mawa (milk product) making 

Lakhpati Didi Journey :

Before joining the Self-Help Group, Komal Meena was primarily involved in household and farming tasks, with no additional income. She learned about the Self-Help Group initiative and decided to join. Starting with a small savings, she quickly became active in group meetings and training. With support from Aajeevika Mission, she now leads a successful life and never imagined she could advance so rapidly. With the Self-Help Group, she took a Rs. 50,000 loan to buy a buffalo and started making Mawa, earning an additional Rs. 12,000 monthly. She also became a Bank Sakhi, which added another Rs. 2,500 to her income. By sewing uniforms with her Self-Help Group members, she earned Rs. 25,000 and grain trading brought in about Rs. 55,000. Komal now earns approximately Rs. 40,000 per month through her various activities, significantly improving her family’s financial stability.

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