વોલ ઓફ ફેમ પર પાછા ફરો

રાજ્ય: મધ્યપ્રદેશ

District : છિંદવાડા

Block : છિંદવાડા

Village : Chargav Bhat

Self Help Group : Laxmi SHG 

Livelihood Activity : Commercial Vegetable Production

Lakhpati Didi Journey

Kusum Chore’s transformative journey unfolds as she harnessed financial support and technical knowledge by becoming a member of a Self-Help Group (SHG). Despite facing numerous challenges in the initiation and management of activities, grappling with the constraints of limited technical knowledge and funds, Didi’s determination prevailed. 

Venturing into vegetable production, she took a loan from the SHG and further advanced her agricultural pursuits by securing loans through bank linkages, enabling the purchase of essential agricultural equipment. The pivotal point in her progress was marked by the various farming and animal husbandry trainings received after joining the SHG. This not only broadened her skill set but also translated into tangible benefits for her family, including access to education and a healthier life for her children. 

The impact extended to a substantial increase in family income, exemplifying the empowering effects of SHG participation. Currently, Kusum Chore enjoys a monthly income of Rs. 30,000, a testament to her resilience, strategic use of resources, and the transformative influence of SHG engagement on her agricultural pursuits.

વધુ જુઓ