Polinti Adilakshmi
राज्य: Andhra Pradesh
District : Visakhapatnam
Block : Padmanabham
Village : Padmanabham
Self Help Group : Sri Lakshmi Self Help Group
Livelihood Activity : Nuvvela Nune Preparation
Smt. Polinti Adilakshm is a native member of Padmanabham Village in Visakhapatnam District. Before joining Sri Lakshmi Self help Group, her family’s financial situation was very difficult. Before the scheme, all the members of her family worked together without a machinery and went to another place to take the equipment and play with it. Due to which it cost them very high.
After this project, she bought a machinary and made oil pulses at home and she is continuing to producing the good quality of pulses and selling them in the village as well as in the nearby area. She also employed 3 self help group members and paying them wages. Currently she is earning 20,000 per month after deducting all the expenses.