The Nudge Institute
Partner since: 18 January 2021
श्रेणी: IB-CB
भागीदारीची व्याप्ती: To set up a National Program Management Unit and State Level Program Management Unit in Jharkhand for initiating the Graduation of the Poorest of Poor into the SHG fold of DAY-NRLM.
- Developed Concept Note on National strategy for Inclusion poorest of poor through the Graduation Approach
- White Paper has been prepared to bring the other Ministries and NITI Aayog to pool resources and build convergence for scaling up
- Implemented the Graduation Approach in Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Assam and Tripura using Innovation Fund of DAY-NRLM and provided the technical resources at State, District and Block level in intervention areas
- The initiation in West Bengal and Meghalaya is in progress
- Building the National Dashboard for Inclusion of the Poorest of Poor using the graduation approach and will be integrated in the LokOS and NRLM MIS
Focus geographies: Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Assam, Tripura, West Bengal and Meghalaya
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