Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA)
One of the important objectives of convergence with the Ministry of Tribal Affairs which was signed on 31-December 2020 to reduce poverty and unemployment among tribal households through skill upgradation and other income generating opportunities.
- They have identified priority districts to lay special focus on Tribal development needs.
- Activities taken under these programmes are Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Dairy and allied activities in Primary Sector.
- State Government to ensure coverage of at least 50% of Tribal women beneficiaries under these schemes.
The State Rural livelihoods Missions (SRLMs) identify Self Help Groups or Producer Groups in the forest area having 50% members from Tribal households dealing with Non-Timber forest Produce (NTFPs) to participate in Van Dhan Yojana. - They will support marketing of produce from Self Help Groups and Producers Groups through its marketing network.